
Information on the impact of activities performed by an organizational unit on human health and the environment in 2023.

Legal basis: the Atomic Law Act / Journal Of Laws 2019, item 1792 (Dz. U. 2021 poz 1792)/ pursuant to Art. 4.1 9 and 10 and art. 32b .PIMCO carries out activities related to exposure to ionizing radiation consisting in:·         Production, installation, use or maintenance of devices containing radioactive sources or trading in these devices (in accordance with Article 4 point 1 point 9 / Dz. U. 2019 item 1792 / – Atomic Law)·         The company controls the exposure of workers with the use of environmental dosimeters – during the last 12 months (from 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2023) the measured effective dose was <2mSV.·         Regulation of the Council of Ministers on ionizing radiation dose limits / Dz. U. 2005, item 168 / – the limit value for exposure to ionizing radiation is:§  Employees: 20 mSv / year§  Population: 1 mSv / year


• Based on the measured and calculated doses, it is concluded that our activities in the past 12 months have had no negative impact on human health and the environment.

• During the activities / in the above-mentioned period / no radioactive substances were released into the environment.
