

On May 9, 2024, Pimco had the honor to host Dr. Immacolata Procino – a defense specialist at Smiths Detection.

The meeting with Dr. Procino allowed the participants to become familiar with the features and functionality of the LCD 4 and the XID – an extention that allows the expansion of the LCD 4’s capabilities to include the detection of explosives and narcotics.

Thanks to the active participation of the gathered guests, the presentation took on the character of a two-sided discussion about the presented devices. The ensuing discussion and multitude of questions allowed all participants to dispel any doubts and receive answers to their questions.

Thank you for participating and please do not hesitate to contact us.

High Intensity CBRN 2023

On June 29-30,  Pimco Team had the pleasure to participate as an exhibitor in the first Polish edition of the High Intensity CBRN 2023 conference at the Military University of Technology Club organized by CBRNe World.

As one of the exhibitors among other Polish and foreign companies from the CBRN industry, we had the opportunity to present our product catalogue and answer all questions of potential customers. Our stand was popular among Polish and foreign attendees of the conference.

The key element of the conference was the presentation of our company, the historical outline of detection systems and ongoing projects currently being developed by Pimco. The speech was delivered by dr hab. Eng. Mirosław Maziejuk, prof. WIChiR, who thanks to his knowledge and many years of experience, with great care introduced the flagship detection systems proposed by Pimco.

We also had the great pleasure of hosting our business partners from Smiths Detection, BLOCK Engineering, Kärcher Futuretech and CSNR Technologies, whose presence enabled the visitors to directly contact  specialists and get acquainted with our equipment.

We would like to thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate in this event and our Partners for their support during the conference.

We thank all visitors for their interest and we are happy to cooperate with you in the future.


LCD 4 is now available

Pimco Sp. z o. o. is happy to announce that an upgraded version of LCD 3.3 – LCD 4 with XID Adapter is now available.

LCD 4 is a new version of the well-known device manufactured by Smiths Detection. XID extends capabilities of LCD 4.

More information soon.

Research International Presentation

On October 18, we had the opportunity to host our American Partners – Research International at the meeting with potential clients. The company’s representatives presented key detectors and collectors from the Research International product offer and answered numerous questions from the participants. Thanks to the presence of specialists in the field of biological detection, the participants had an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the proposed equipment and modern solutions.

We would like to thank all participants of the presentation and we would like to invite you to further cooperation.


Dnia 21 czerwca nasza firma miała przyjemność uczestniczyć w IV Konferencji Naukowej Krajowego Sytemu Wykrywania Skażeń i Alarmowania organizowanej przez Centralny Ośrodek Analizy Skażeń, Wojskową Akademię Techniczną oraz Szkołę Główna Służby Pożarniczej.

Celem Konferencji była wymiana i poszerzenie wiedzy w zakresie działań podejmowanych w obszarze ochrony przed skażeniami oraz szeroko pojęta ochrona ludności i bezpieczeństwo publiczne przeciwko działaniom terrorystycznym.

Mieliśmy również przyjemność wygłosić prezentacje dotyczącą LaserWarn, jednego z produktów naszego amerykańskiego Partnera, Block Engineering.

Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z naszą ofertą produktową (



We would like to congratulate the shipyard Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. for the DEFENDER 2021 award received at this year’s MSPO  in Kielce.
At the same time, we would like to  inform that Pimco Sp.z o.o. was one of the contractors cooperating on this project. Our company has provided a total of 6 systems for the detection of radioactive and biological hazards. Congratulations once again!